Coming up at the library
GearTick robotics demonstration
Wednesday, Feb. 19 from 2:00–3:00pm, Tarbell Room
Come see the Lincoln GearTick and the L-S High School Robotics Team demonstrate their robot creations. Best for ages 5+.
Lincoln Library Film Society: “Neruda”
Thursday, Feb. 20 from 6:00–8:00pm, Tarbell Room
An inspector hunts down Nobel Prize-winning Chilean poet, Pablo Neruda, who becomes a fugitive in his home country in the late 1940s for joining the Communist Party.
Inclusive and diverse book recs
Thursday, Feb. 20 from 7:30–8:30pm, Zoom
Click here for more information, and click here to register for the Zoom link (regustrants will get the list of recommendations). Sign up for one session or for all.
L-S School Committee listening session
The Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee will hold a listening session for students, families, and community members on Monday, Feb. 24 from 7:00–8:00pm on Google Meet. The purpose of the listening session is to give individuals the opportunity to raise items with members of the Committee. In attendance will be committee members Lucy Maulsby and Ravi Simon.
Domestic Violence Roundtable session
On Wednesday, Feb. 26 at 7:00pm, the Sudbury-Wayland-Lincoln Domestic Violence Roundtable will host a conversation with a parent whose teen was in a dating relationship with a person who mistreated her. This program will take place at the Goodnow Library (21 Concord Road, Sudbury) and on Zoom — register for the link here. The parent speaker will talk about what she didn’t know to look and listen for, and what surprised her as she learned more about her teen’s relationship. This program is for parents/guardians/grandparents, educators, coaches, youth advisors, healthcare professionals, and anyone else who has teens or young adults in their life.
Photo exhibit by Lincolnite
Lincoln resident Linda Hammett Ory is exhibiting her photos in Concord Arts 2025 Members’ Juried Exhibition, along with painter Tracey J. Maroni. Linda’s love of nature is her strongest photographic inspiration, and many of the photos in her Hidden Treasure series are taken while exploring the landscape of Lincoln and Concord. The exhibition runs from February 27 to March 27, and the opening reception is on Thursday, Feb. 27 at 5:30pm. Click here for more information.
Conservation summer positions open
The Lincoln Conservation Department (LCD) and Lincoln Land Conservation Trust (LLCT) will be hiring two seasonal field assistant positions to support the management of conservation land this summer. The LLCT will also be hiring one pollinator field assistant. Learn more here.