When the new site launches (perhaps as soon as this week):
- The emails alerting you to new stories (sent on most weekdays) will change to include only links to those stories on the website.
- I’ll send individual emails explaining how to log in for the first time. You’ll get a temporary password that you can change to something easier to remember if you wish. Also, your login will last for at least a couple of months before you have to do so again, so never fear.
- As a new subscriber, you’ll get the first month of the Squirrel for free; after that it’s $59.00 a year. At the end of February, I’ll send each of you a reminder email. You can pay any time using one of these methods:
- Venmo: @Watusi-words
- Zelle: lincolnsquirrelnews@gmail.com
- A check made out to “Watusi Words” (not “Lincoln Squirrel”) and mailed to:
Alice Waugh
178 Weston Rd.
Lincoln MA 01773
Please let me know if you have any questions at all about the Squirrel or Lincoln in general. I’m always happy to help!
Alice Waugh
Editor, The Lincoln Squirrel
617-710-5542 (m)