By Jacquelin Apsler
On December 15, 2023, Chief Kevin Kennedy will retire from Lincoln’s Police Department — a public servant greatly admired by his peers, deeply respected by his constituents, and very much cherished by his colleagues and friends. The phrase “he will be missed” doesn’t capture the extraordinary loss of his leadership.
As a resident of Lincoln, I have known Chief Kennedy nearly 30 years since he was a young pup new to Lincoln and policing, but always mature, focused, and clear-sighted from the beginning. Students who knew him as a Juvenile Officer recall him as “leading by example,” “a silent hero who takes good care of the community without any fanfare,”and a professional who modeled community policing long before it became a prominent tenet in the policing world.
For the past 18 years, I have had the honor of working alongside Chief Kennedy as a partner in our never-ending fight against domestic violence. As a strong proponent of community and police partnerships, he has supported every aspect of DVSN’s work to the very best of his ability and to the extent resources would allow.
For over a year, while our advocate office at the Bedford Police Department is being renovated, the Lincoln police have welcomed us into their building, generously sharing their one meeting room with us, and embracing our staff and volunteer advocates with tremendous kindness and thoughtfulness. The department’s core values of “integrity, mutual respect, and problem-solving through cooperation and collaboration” have been on display every minute of every day. We are extremely grateful to Chief Kennedy, the dispatchers, and the officers and staff for sharing their space with us and for their exceptional embodiment of respect and kindness.
Additionally, Chief Kennedy is a man of many amazing and varied talents — master provider of burgers, chips, beverages, and cookies for numerous community cookouts; renowned expert on juvenile law; dedicated teacher; enthusiastic mentor; diligent lawyer; masterful cabinet maker; avid skier; a very quick wit; a devoted family man; and an extraordinary public servant — truly the best of the best. I am deeply honored to call him friend and wish him much satisfaction and fulfillment in his retirement.
He most definitely will be missed.
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