(Editor’s note: this article was updated on August 22 to reflect corrections in the square footage of scheme 1 and the three estimated projects costs.)
ICON Architecture presented three design options to the Community Center Building Committee on August 16 and will forward them to the company’s cost estimator to get firmer price tags before the State of the Town charette on September 30.
The proposed square footage for programming and layout sketches can be seen on the indicated page numbers of the August 16 slide deck:
- Option 1, the courtyard scheme – page 17 (current estimate: $22.75 million)
- Demolish all three pods and build a new 20,500-square-foot, one-story building
- Total program space: 20,500 square feet
- Incorporates 1,000 square feet for maintenance area (or relocate to main Hartwell building for a cost savings of $850,000)
- Option 2, the compact scheme – page 25 (current estimate:$18.7 million)
- Demolish pods A and B; renovate pod C
- 13,400 square feet of new construction in a two-story building and 4,965 square feet of renovation for total program space of 18,365 square feet
- Incorporates 1,000 square feet for either maintenance or activity space (relocate maintenance in main Hartwell building for an additional $300,000)
- Option 3, the adaptive reuse scheme – page 33 (current estimate:$12.05 million)
- Renovate pods A and B (9,885 square feet)
- 6,185 square feet of new construction (connectors between pods all three)
- Total program space: 16,000 square feet
- Incorporates 1,000 square feet for either maintenance or activity space (relocate maintenance in main Hartwell building for an additional $300,000)
- Optional: renovate pod C for an additional $3 million
The comparison table on page 11 shows the variables among the three options that center around programming space, the fate of Pod C (e.g., whether LEAP’s space will be renovated or not) and the level of site development. For example, option 3 (unlike the other two) does not include funds for a pedestrian bridge over the stream to the Brooks parking area and a raised Ballfield Road crosswalk, remediation of the former Strat’s playground to allow for a new playground or other use, or restorative landscaping.
At the State of the Town meeting in September, residents will have the chance to review the options in detail, ask questions, and express opinions. A preferred option with a specific dollar amount will be presented for a vote at a Special Town Meeting in November.