Evelyn Harris
Evelyn B. Harris of Old Sudbury Road passed away on July 10, 2023 at the age of 94. Evelyn had resided in Lincoln since 1963 and was known to many Lincoln residents as a pianist, piano teacher, bee-keeper, and nature lover. Interment will be private, with a memorial celebration to be announced later this year. Evelyn is survived by her son David Harris and his wife Amy, both Lincoln residents; her son Glenn Harris and his wife Vicky of Vienna, Va.; and four grandchildren.
Milton Davis
There will be a celebration of the life of Milton Davis, who died on June 11, 2023 at age 86, on Sunday, July 16 from 3–5 p.m. at The Commons in Lincoln. Click here to read his obituary on legacy.com.
E. Laurie Tolman
Dr. E. Laurie Tolman passed away on June 24 at the age of 88. Click here to read his obituary on legacy.com.
The Lincoln Squirrel publishes complete obituaries and photos that are provided by funeral homes for a fee. Others are located on legacy.com or provided directly by families.