Eighth-grade car wash on Saturday
The Lincoln School eighth grade will hold a car wash on Sunday, May 21 from 8 a.m.–2 p.m. at Town Hall to benefit their graduation activities. The cost is $20 though any donation will be accepted. You can pay on site using cash, PayPal or Venmo, or prepay with PayPal by clicking here.
Survivorship and disability panel discussion
The Sudbury-Wayland-Lincoln Domestic Violence Roundtable will host a panel via Zoom on domestic violence survivors with disabilities on Tuesday, May 23 at 6:30 p.m. The event, held in partnership with the Sudbury Commission on Disability, will feature a program coordinator from IMPACT Boston, an attorney from the Women’s Bar Foundation, and a survivor advocate from Boston Center for Independent Living. They’ll highlight some of the challenges in seeking services as well as ways to support survivors with disabilities. ASL interpretation and closed captioning will be provided. Click here to register.
Lincoln Dems to caucus on June 4
The Democratic Town Committee will hold a caucus to elect delegates to the 2023 Massachusetts Democratic Party Convention (to be held on September 23 in person in Lowell) on Sunday, June 4 at 2 p.m. at Bemis Hall. Doors open at 1:30 and close at 2:15 sharp, as required by Massachusetts Democratic Committee rules. Five delegate and four alternates will be elected to represent Lincoln at the 2023 Massachusetts Democratic Party Convention. All registered Lincoln Democrats are eligible not only to vote and be a delegate. Democrats who will be 16 by May 23, 2023 may pre-register for the caucus and participate and run as a delegate or alternate to the convention, although they are not eligible to vote in general elections until they are 18. Youth, minorities, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ individuals who are not elected as a delegate or alternate are encouraged to apply to be an add-on delegate to the caucus at the caucus or by visiting or at www.massdems.org/massdems-convention.
CCF marks 50th birthday with benefit dinner
Codman Community Farms will celebrate its 50th birthday at “An Evening in the Field” on Thursday, June 8 from 6–9:30 p.m. The adults-only event starts with cocktails and passed hors d’oeuvres followed by a multi-course plated dinner at a long communal table nestled in the fields surrounded by fruit trees and gardens. Tom Fosnot and Ruth-Anne Adams of The Hyve, will serve a menu almost exclusively made of Codman-grown ingredients: vegetables and herbs from the gardens, eggs from their chickens, and protein from their pastured animals. Click here to order tickets.