By Carole Kasper and Tara Mitchell
We are writing with excitement and strong support of Lincoln resident Lucy Maulsby’s candidacy for a seat on the Lincoln-Sudbury Regional HS School Committee.
While an uncontested race, the LSRHS School Committee role is currently significant as L-S is poised to welcome a new superintendent/principal, continues to balance the pressures of being a high-performing school district, supports the social emotional wellbeing of students and staff, and effectively engages the three communities of Sudbury, Lincoln, and Boston. We are excited that Lucy is willing to serve our community in this way and know that her past skills and experiences will help her thrive in this role.
Lucy has been involved in the Lincoln Public Schools for over a decade. She was part of the leadership team of the Lincoln School Foundation, where she worked directly with teachers to bring more innovation into their classrooms. Lucy’s enthusiasm for teaching and learning was evident when she spoke in a thoughtful, supportive way about how a certain grant would help engage students.
Lucy has been the Lincoln School Committee’s liaison to the Lincoln Public Library for over three years. She created connections between the library staff and school administration and helped curate a collection of books that are about education in our schools. During the pandemic, Lucy volunteered as a substitute teacher and, now that her oldest son is heading off to L-S this fall, she will be a natural bridge to the younger families in Lincoln as they make the transition to high school.
Lucy also brings essential interpersonal skills to this role. She is known as a caring listener, a clear communicator, and a rational thinker who is not afraid to inquire “why?” and “why not?” thoughtfully and collaboratively.
Our community will certainly benefit from having Lucy at the table. Please join us in electing Lucy Maulsby to the Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School Committee!
Kasper is a former LSRHS School Committee member and Mitchell is a current member of the Lincoln School Committee.
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