To the editor:
My family spent a week in Lincoln in June, renting a home off Tower Road while our daughter worked at the community organic farm in Natick. To the good people of Lincoln: we had such a great time in your community and look forward to coming back.
The system of trails, paths along roads, and conservation areas made a deep impression on us. We walked out the door each morning and followed trails to the town center, Drumlin Farm and Codman Farm, and through the Umbrello/Fernald woods and other spots. We walked around Farrar Pond, and my wife and daughter swam in Walden Pond. We felt a great gratitude to everyone who has created and maintained your remarkable conservation system.
We drove around Lincoln a good bit as well, but all this walking was a really satisfying way to experience your community, from the ground level and at a slower pace. We did not meet a lot of folks on this first visit, but those we did meet were very welcoming. Now, we are southerners; we know that wintertime Lincoln is a whole different reality! But we might be up for that, too, if we can find someone around here to teach us a little cross-country skiing first.
Rob Shapard
Chapel Hill, N.C.
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