The flags on town buildings are at half-staff in recognition of the passing of Tom Billings, a longtime resident and active town volunteer. Tom died suddenly in his Lincoln home on March 9 from cardiac arrest. Kind, modest and intelligent, Tom was much loved and respected in Lincoln and everywhere he went. Almost from the time Tom and his wife Penny moved to Lincoln in 1983, they became involved as volunteers on town boards and committees.
An enthusiastic conservationist, Tom was a member of the Conservation Commission for many years. He later became a Library trustee and served in that role until he was appointed to the bench as a Justice of the Massachusetts Superior Court in 2001 and had to step down from other positions he held. Tom retired from the court in 2019. He loved and never tired of Lincoln and its beauty, walking around town almost daily. We are grateful for Tom’s contributions to and influence on our community.
We join with Tom’s many friends in expressing our sympathies to his wife Penny, their son Jamie, and their family. He will be greatly missed.
For the town,
Jonathan Dwyer, Select Board Chair
Tim Higgins, Town Administrator
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