It’s been two years since we voted together to elect Bob Domnitz to the Planning Board, something we should all be proud of.
He’s doing a great job, the best he can given the circumstances. The problem is that there’s still a majority among the five Planning Board members who believe the town needs more development, no matter the cost or impact on the town’s character.
Given their way, they’d add hundreds of more units of housing to the area around the Mall and train station, and spend millions of taxpayers’ dollars to do so. Remember, it was just two years ago that the Planning Board wanted to be able to make development decisions without Town Meeting approval. Without Town Meeting even having a say.
This is the year we can ensure that Town Meeting doesn’t lose its vote. We can let town officials know that decisions impacting the rural character of Lincoln can only be made by town residents. Not ideologues on any Town board.
We can do this by re-electing Ephraim Flint to the Planning Board. [Editor’s note: Flint is not running as an incumbent in this election.]
Eph served previously for five years and understands the workings of that Board. And why not? He grew up in Lincoln and knows the town and its history better than anyone running. He learned from his father, Warren Flint Sr, who was a Selectman and Planning Board member while many of us were attending elementary schools. Remember, it was Eph’s dad who was one of the leading proponents back in the 1950s of the 2-acre zoning regulations and conservation land purchases that define our town now.
Ephraim is thoughtful, experienced and collaborative. He’s the best person to heal the mistrust that has developed between residents and the PB. A mistrust caused by those members who have dissembled in their communications with, and not listened to, town residents. He’s committed to Town Meeting having the final say.
Maybe it’s just me. Maybe I’m the only one who cherishes Lincoln as it is and wants the town to retain its current rural-like feel and atmosphere. But I don’t think so!
So, I’m asking you to bullet vote for Ephraim Flint and to tell your neighbors and friends to do the same The best way to ensure Ephraim’s elected is to vote only for Ephraim. Let those other two candidates duke it out over the remaining seat. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. I hope to see you at Town Meeting Saturday or at the polls on Monday.
Always thinkin’ of Lincoln,
Neil Feinberg
104 Concord Rd., Lincoln
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