Learn about heat pumps for your home
The Green Energy Committee is hosting several heat pump information sessions. The first will be Sunday, Feb. 27 at 2 p.m. and will focus on condominiums in Lincoln. Click here to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
“On Belonging in Outdoor Spaces” talk
Harvard ornithologist Scott Edwards will discuss “Bicycling, Birding and #BLM Across America in a Summer of Chaos” on Wednesday, March 2 at 7 p.m. The talk is part of the “On Belonging in Outdoor Spaces” speaker series on access, inclusion, & connection in nature (spring 2022 funding provided by the Ogden Codman Trust). Discussing his 76-day, 3,800-mile bicycle trek across the U.S. with “Black Lives Matter” signs affixed to his bicycle, Scott will reflect on the people, landscapes, and birds he encountered and convey the challenges, generosity, and hope that inspired and surprised him throughout his journey. Click here to register and receive the meeting link.
Lincoln Dems to hold virtual caucus
The Lincoln Democratic Town Committee will hold a caucus on Monday, March 7 from 7–8:30 p.m. (Zoom room opens at 6:30) to elect five delegates and four alternates to the 2022 Massachusetts Democratic Party Convention in Worcester on June 4. All Democrats registered in Lincoln are eligible not only to vote but also to be a delegate. Youth, minorities, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ individuals who are not elected as a delegate or alternate may apply to be an add-on delegate to the caucus or at www.massdems.org. See the Lincoln Dems website for more information and click here to register for the caucus (after registering, you’ll receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting).
Session on relationship power dynamics and abuse
The Sudbury-Wayland-Lincoln Domestic Violence Roundtable presents “Transforming the Culture of ‘Power Over’ — Compassionate Accountability” on Tuesday, March 8 at 7 p.m. The virtual event will help participants make key distinctions among safe relationship cycles and the dynamics that occur within relationships based on abusive values of dominance and superiority. It’s presented by the Roundtable’s White Ribbon Group and follows its successful 2021 event, “A Call to Families: Discussing Healthy Masculinity with Young People.” Speakers will be JAC Patrissi, Jason Patrissi, and Regi Wingo of Growing a New Heart, an organization that aims to facilitate respectful and ethical power relationships and communications in families, workplaces, and communities. Click here to register.
“Three Authors, Three Books & One Town: Lincoln”
Three Lincoln authors with shared interests in justice, history, and the environment discuss how their Lincoln experiences have shaped their numerous writing projects on Thursday, March 3 at 7 p.m. The Zoom link will be posted on the Lincoln Public Library website closer to the event. The speakers are:
- Elise Lemire, author of Battle Green Vietnam: The 1971 March on Concord, Lexington, and Bostonand Black Walden: Slavery and Its Aftermath in Concord, Massachusetts
- Judy Polumbaum, University of Iowa professor emerita of journalism and mass communication and a former newspaper reporter and magazine writer. Lincoln figures prominently in her latest book, All Available Light: The Life and Legacy of Photographer Ted Polumbaum, a biography-memoir of her photojournalist-social activist father.
- Katie Ives, editor in chief of Alpinist. Imaginary Peaks: The Riesenstein Hoax and Other Mountain Dreams is her first book.
Apply for aid from the Lincoln Scholarship Committee
An application for need-based and merit-based scholarships and awards offered by the Lincoln Scholarship Committee is now available here. Scholarships include the Lincoln Community Scholarship (one year only), two Ogden Codman Trust scholarships renewable for three years, and the Harriet Todd Scholarship renewable for one year. Awards include the Sumner Smith Community Service Award and the Fanny S. Campbell Academic Achievement Award. The Harriet Todd Scholarship is the only one open to non-Lincoln residents. Completed applications are due by March 31. Interviews take place April 27 and 28 and awards and scholarships are announced in early June. Questions? Email lincolnscholarship@lincolntown.org.
Garden Club seeks “Large Labors of Love” creations
Do you love to make or build things in your workshop, backyard, or studio, but your significant other says there’s no more room for your creations? The Lincoln Garden Club is seeking creative donations of Large Labors of Love for its biennial fundraiser this June. Garden benches, raised flower beds, arbors, gazebos, whimsical artistic carvings, funky avant-garde garden furniture — anything goes. All donors of big creations will receive a 501(c)3 tax receipt and an invitation to the June 17 Roaring 2022 Prohibition Party at the Pierce House featuring naughty cocktails such as Hooker’s Lips highballs, great food, antique cars, and a live band with a live vocalist singing flapper songs. Proceeds from donated items will go directly to the Lincoln Garden Club’s many community service projects, especially several beautiful outdoor public spaces that have been such a blessing during the pandemic. Call Joanna Schmergel at 617-645-9059 for details.