August 24
Treble Cove Road, Billerica (3:05 p.m.) — Officers transported a party who was arrested on a non-bailable warrant to the House of Correction.
Old Bedford Road (6:12 p.m.) — Caller reported that a female party walking on Old Bedford Road stepped into the path of his vehicle as he was driving. The person then walked into the woods. Officers checked the area but she was gone on arrival.
Old Bedford Road (8:55 p.m.) Officer checked on a vehicle parked in the Lincoln North lot. Both parties were on their way.
August 25
Sandy Pond Road (3:14 a.m.) — Officer checked on a vehicle parked on the side of the roadway. Two parties were inside talking; everything was OK.
August 26
Hanscom Vandenberg Gate (9:20 a.m.) — Hanscom Security Forces reported that a party at the gate had a warrant out of Lowell District Court for traffic offenses. Paul Brant, 54, of Billerica was arrested and later transported to Concord Court.
Sunnyside Lane (3:29 p.m.) — Officers checked on a party who was having problems with their landline phone. Officers assisting the resident with the phone provider.
North Commons (6:31 p.m.) — Caller wanted to speak with an officer about a civil matter. Officer spoke to the party and provided legal options.
Lincoln School (10:10 p.m.) — Officer checking the grounds found that a fire hydrant was left open, spraying water on the ground. The Fire Department responded to turn off the hydrant.
August 27
Sunnyside Lane (10:56 a.m.) — Caller requested a well-being check on a resident. Officers made contact with the party; everything was fine.
Police Department (11:55 a.m.) — A party dropped off a credit card that was found in town. Officers attempted to make contact with the owner.
Morningside Lane (2:48 p.m.) — A party came to the station to turn in ammunition to be destroyed.
Sandy Pond Road (4:51 p.m.) — Caller reported people fishing at the pump station. Officer checked but they were gone on arrival.
Wells Road (8:36 p.m.) — Caller requested a well-being check on two kids at the residence. Officers made contact with the involved parties and everything was fine.
Todd Pond Road (9:00 p.m.) — Caller wanted to speak to an officer about a civil matter. Officer spoke to the party and advised them of their legal options.
August 28
Walden Street, Concord (9:50 p.m.) — Concord police requested assistance in locating a vehicle involved in a possible altercation at Walden Pond. Officers checked the area but were unable to locate. Concord police later located the vehicle in their town.
August 29
Cambridge Turnpike westbound (9:06 a.m.) — Officer checked on a vehicle pull into the highway breakdown lane. The party was tired and had pulled over to rest. They were directed to the rest area where it’s safer to rest.
Codman Road (1:55 p.m.) — Officer checked on a party sleeping behind the stone wall at the intersection of Lincoln Road and Codman Road. The person was resting and went on his way.
South Great Road (4:21 p.m.) — One-car crash involving a telephone pole. One person was transported to a local hospital with minor injuries. The vehicle was towed, and Eversource and Verizon responded to replace the telephone pole.
August 30
Harvest Circle (3:9 p.m.) — A car carrier sideswiped a parked car on the property (no injuries reported).
Trapelo Road (5:12 p.m.) — Two-car crash at the intersection with Old County Road. No injuries.
Concord Road (5:57 p.m.) — Caller complained about a neighbor’s bug zapper. An officer spoke to the reporting party and checked with the neighbor, who reported it’s an electric fence to protect their garden from animals.
Lewis Street (7:45 p.m.) — Party reported falling victim to a telephone scam and providing money.
August 31
South Great Road (6:01 a.m.) — Caller reported a dead deer along with side of the roadway. The DPW was notified to handle.
Wells Road (12:37 p.m.) — A walk-in to the station reported providing personal information over the phone to another party. An officer spoke to the party and provided information about safeguarding their identity.
Cambridge Turnpike westbound (4:17 p.m.) — Caller reported a crash at the Concord town line. The crash was in Concord, but the Fire Department transported a party to a local hospital.
North Great Road (4:43 p.m.) — Three-car crash near Hanscom Drive. No injuries, one vehicle towed from the scene.
Silver Hill Road (5:22 p.m.) — One-car crash involving a telephone pole. The vehicle was towed from the scene.