Covid-19 vaccination clinic for kids age 12-18
The Lincoln Public Schools and the Town of Lincoln are offering a Covid-19 vaccination clinic for teens in the Hartwell multipurpose room on the Lincoln School campus on Friday, May 21 from 2–5 p.m. Students must be registered for an appointment in advance and must provide a signed consent form on the day of the clinic. Children age 12-18 who attend the Lincoln Public Schools in person or remotely, their teenage siblings, Lincoln residents attending private school, and children of town and school employees are eligible.
Click here to register for an appointment. This requires you to choose a time, upload health insurance information, and complete and print a consent form that includes screening questions to be answered on Friday morning. Students must bring the signed consent form or they cannot be vaccinated. Boston students who attend the Lincoln School and ride the bus will be scheduled for vaccination prior to school dismissal from 1–1:45 p.m. A signed consent form must be received before Friday. On the day of the clinic, parents will be called by school personnel to answer medical screening questions in order to clear children for vaccination that afternoon. Click here for more information about Covid-19 vaccines for children under 18.
Lovelane wins $100,000 grant
The Lincoln-based Lovelane Special Needs Horseback Riding Program will receive a grant of $25,000 a year for four years through Cummings Foundation’s $25 Million Grant Program. Lovelane is one of 140 Metro West nonprofits chosen from a total of 590 applicants. The grant will allow Lovelane to continue to provide high-quality, safe, mounted and unmounted programs for children with a wide variety of special needs with over 4,500 personalized sessions per year, as well as maintain and train a diverse herd of 12 horses.
L-S music group sets annual meeting in June
The Lincoln-Sudbury Friends of Music will hold its virtual annual meeting on Tuesday, June 15 at 7 p.m. All community members, especially parents of music students, are invited. Meet fellow music program supporters, get questions answered, and learn about opportunities to get involved. To attend the meeting email receive the Zoom link and password, email