By Julie Brogan
Like all of us, I was stunned and saddened by the events in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, January 6. If you’re wondering what an ordinary Americans can do repair and restore our republic, I highly recommend this report from the American Academy of Arts and Sciences’ bipartisan Commission on the Practice of Democratic Citizenship. The report makes specific recommendations for reform and endorses organizations working to make these changes. I don’t agree with all of these ideas, but they are wide-ranging and may appeal to you or your friends looking for way to get involved.
I recently joined the National Finance Council in one of the cross-partisan groups endorsed by the commission, American Promise, based right next door in Concord. We are working to pass a Constitutional amendment to get big money out of our elections. If you would like to learn more about American Promise, feel free to contact me. But no matter what you decide is needed to get this country to a better place, don’t despair — act!
Julie Brogan, an Old Sudbury Road resident, can be reached at
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