By Dilla Tingley
We had an interesting discussion at the Antiracism/Diversity Roundtable on October 15, but I would like to emphasize something I do not think got sufficient attention. Before we spend so much energy on considering new housing options to promote diversity, let’s work to maintain the diversity we already have.
There is a diverse population of residents already in Lincoln who are struggling to be able to afford to stay. The Council on Aging recently initiated the Rental Assistance Program. after applying for and receiving $30,000 from CPA (Community Preservation Act) funds. We are now assisting eight families and have 12 on a three-year waiting list. This program is not limited to seniors.
These families that qualify will only pay 30% of their income, however small, on rent. This is real affordability. As we learned, the affordable units at Oriole Landing. because of a narrow range of income limits based on the “area median income” (which is high) go to individuals who are quite well-to-do. Only 11 of the 15 “affordable” units are spoken for. What does this tell us? This type of housing is not meeting our needs.
Let us add funds to our Rental Assistance Program so that the 12 families on the wait list will be able to stay. Funds should continue to be added as more needy families are identified. They represent a diversity that is already here. The Housing Trust has funds that might appropriately be used for this purpose.
Dilla Tingley is chair of the Lincoln Council on Aging.
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