(Editor’s note: This statement was published on the Lincoln Police Department’s Facebook page on May 29, 2020 and is reprinted here with permission.)
By Kevin Kennedy
To the Lincoln community:
Today, I join my fellow Massachusetts Police Chiefs and law enforcement across the country in condemning the actions and inactions of the four Minneapolis police officers involved in the death of Mr. George Floyd on May 25, 2020. Our thoughts and sympathy are with the Floyd family.
As a police department, we have embraced the six pillars of the President’s Task Force on 21st-Century Policing. We are committed to our standards of professional conduct, community policing, procedural justice, constitutional policing, and treating everyone with respect, dignity, empathy, and compassion.
The conduct of the officers involved was offensive to the values of our department and our community.
A. Kevin Kennedy
Lincoln Chief of Police
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