To the editor:
We live in a privileged, isolated, elite bubble in Lincoln. Most are comfortable, secure and safe. Some are not comfortable and some do not feel secure or safe, even in Lincoln. I worry about this bubble and it has bothered me for a long time.
Lincoln does not have a newspaper (or even an active blog) staffed by much-needed professional journalists or even citizens capable of objectively covering the many town meetings, committee meetings, police/fire happenings, school/after school happenings, or other important local issues. Everyone should know what is happening, but not everyone can spend hours at the many, many meetings or doing the necessary legwork to find the real news. Sadly, too many have grown used to not knowing. And sadly, too many are not comfortable discussing too many issues or events.
In light of the recent use of the 1918 Espionage Act to indict publisher/journalist Julian Assange for publishing the truth about war crimes by the government of this country, and in light of the many other journalists and whistleblowers pursued under the Obama administration and the lack of outrage (even coverage) expressed by mainstream journalism or political leaders (with a few exceptions), it is important that we wake up to the fact that this is a direct assault on the First Amendment to the Constitution, and to our country in general, by an administration that is seeking to end press freedom in this country — an administration that has become very dangerous.
This must-watch 20-minute video cogently summarizes and analyses what is happening and has been happening for years.
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me.
— Martin Niemöller
Jean Palmer
247 Tower Rd., Lincoln
Letters to the editor must be signed with the writer’s name and street address and sent via email to Letters will be edited for punctuation, spelling, style, etc., and will be published at the discretion of the editor. Letters containing personal attacks, errors of fact or other inappropriate material will not be published.