To the editor:
As religious leaders in Lincoln, we wish to jointly express our profound sadness in the wake of the Islamic Center of Boston in Wayland (ICBW) receiving a hate-filled letter last week, penned by a group referring to themselves as “Americans for a Better Way.”
That this letter calls for the Hitleresque genocide of Muslims in the name of American patriotism is nothing short of shocking and morally repugnant. We in Massachusetts pride ourselves on being a part of the history that gave birth to our American ideals of democracy and freedom; the letter that the ICBW received runs contrary to the civic and social values that we hold dear as a people. Equally so, we know how deeply the religious communities we both serve value spiritual diversity and interfaith collaboration.
While we cannot undo the harm or pain that has already been inflicted, we pledge to stand in solidarity with the ICBW as we teach, model and stand up for the right of different religious communities to freely practice their faith, as we seek to build connection and community across faiths, and as we strive to live ever more fully in the spirit of love.
This past Sunday, December 4, was the second Sunday of Advent in the Christian tradition, a Sunday devoted to the ideal of peace. As we and our communities reflect on this theme in the days ahead, we pray that we can all actively come together in working for peace right here in Metro West.
In the spirit of love and interfaith companionship,
The Reverend Manish Mishra-Marzetti
Senior Minister, The First Parish in Lincoln
The Reverend Kate Malin
Rector, St. Anne’s-in-the-Fields
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