Clearly a lot of people in Lincoln (including yours truly, who is writing on her laptop at Panera) are still without power. Some Lincolnites have posted about this on LincolnTalk, but I’d like to hear from as many folks as possible so I can write a story.
If you still have no power —or if you lost power but got it back after a few hours—please email and tell me your story. Be sure to include your street address and whether you’re aware of any downed power lines near hour house. Also tell us which utility you use (we have Eversource but I don’t know if every home in Lincoln does as well). For extra credit, tell us about your longest power outage before this.
Thanks, and stay warm!
Alice Waugh
Editor, The Lincoln Squirrel
781-259-0526 (h) ~ 617-710-5542 (m)