To the editor,
For many years, Lincolnites have taken to the floor of Town Meeting to seek support for citizens’ petitions to support a nuclear weapons freeze, arms control, and a variety of equal and human rights initiatives. We have endorsed petitions to oppose the war in Iraq, the Keystone pipeline, and the intrusion of big money into politics and to overturn Citizens United. We have advocated for campaign finance reform and many other issues.
Now, all who have advocated for these issues on the floor of Town Meeting and beyond have an opportunity to vote for a candidate who has been with us on these and many other issues since the beginning of his career. He has fought for civil rights in the streets of Chicago since the mid-sixties. He has campaigned for our issues on the floors of Congress since 1985. His core values have not wavered and have been reflected in his personal and political life. He has walked the talk. He has never taken money from large corporate or financial concerns for either his political campaigns, or for his own personal gain.
As my mother said, “Actions speak louder than words.” His actions have consistently matched his words. Now Lincolnites can also match their words with deeds. We have an opportunity, as Democrats and Independents, in the upcoming Presidential primary election on March 1 to vote for a candidate who truly walks the Lincoln talk—Bernie Sanders!
Sara Mattes
71 Conant Rd.
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