To the editor:
I’m writing in support of Lincoln’s membership and involvement in Minuteman High School, including their plans for a new facility.
My oldest daughter attended Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School for her freshman and sophomore years. During the end of that second year, we determined that L-S wasn’t an appropriate placement for her. It was such a relief to have Minuteman right next door, which she attended for her junior and senior years. We were thrilled when she graduated as a National Merit Scholar and a certified preschool teacher in June 2011. Since her graduation, she’s been employed either part-time or full-time as a preschool teacher while she’s attended four year colleges either full or part-time, respectively.
The bottom line is that Minuteman was an invaluable experience for her, providing her with confidence and a career. I encourage Lincolnites to embrace the school and its varied offerings.
Carol Kochmann
9 Brooks Hill Rd.
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