Dear Lincoln Squirrel readers,
I wanted to let you know about some updates to the Squirrel, including an important email address change.
Emailing the Squirrel
Last October, we switched to a shorter email address ( Unfortunately, the server for this address occasionally held back messages as spam and I never received them. As a result, we’re going back to the original email address of, so please update your address book accordingly. The “” address will continue to work until sometime in the fall, when I’ll publish another notice saying it’s being disconnected.
Lincoln Squirrel merchandise now on sale!
What useful item do you get for the Lincolnite who has everything? How about a sweatshirt, lunch bag, sports bottle or drinking glass with the Lincoln Squirrel logo? There’s something for everyone in the family, including babies. Click on “Merchandise” at the top of the Squirrel website, or go straight to
We’ve made our web ads larger and reduced prices. The sidebar ads are now 300 pixels wide (the old ones were 230 pixels), and we have more affordable weekly and monthly rates. Click on the “Advertising” page for details.
Want to write or take pictures?
The Squirrel is always looking for writers and news photographers. Maybe you’re a high school or college student who wants to get some published articles under your belt, or someone who has some spare time and likes to write and take pictures. If so, let’s talk! The mission of the Squirrel is to cover news feature stories about Lincoln and its residents, but you don’t have to be a Lincoln resident to write for us. We can’t publish creative writing or stories on non-local topics, but if your idea has anything to do with a person, place or thing in Lincoln, emaill or call 617-710-5542 and we can discuss what you want to write about, what kind of research or editing help you might need, and so forth. You can also submit photos for consideration in our Lincoln Through the Lens feature.
As always, thanks for reading!
Alice Waugh
Editor, The Lincoln Squirrel
617-710-5542 (m)
781-259-0526 (h)