Editor’s note: The salutation in this letter was originally “Dear Lincoln residents, neighbors and friends.”
To the editor:
We are supporting Gary Taylor for the Planning Board because he has proven over two decades as a town leader that he can help the board provide a permitting process that is efficient and helpful to residents while focusing attention on its central and vital mission as the town’s primary planning organization.
Each of these goals is important. The former because it brings us together in respectful community and the later because we can and must get out in front of the challenges which will invariably shape us if we don’t manage them effectively.
Please join us by casting your vote for Gary Taylor on Monday, March 30 at the Lincoln Schools.
Douglas Adams and Trish Adams, 19 Granville Rd.
Nancy Fleming and Jim Fleming, 78 Codman Rd.
Sue Klem & Christopher Klem, 168 Trapelo Rd.
Lewis Lloyd and Rosemary Lloyd, 8 Moccasin Hill Rd.
Peter von Mertens and Dea Angiolillo, 16 Tower Rd.
David O’Neil and Barbara O’Neil, 4 Moccasin Hill Rd.
Joe & Dana Robbat, 151 Old Concord Rd.
Sam Newell and Ilana Newell, 75 Todd Pond Rd.
Steve Perlmutter, 90 Todd Pond Rd.
Betty-Jane Scheff, 1 Harvest Circle
Katherine Walker & Tom Walker, 12 Trapelo Rd.
Letters to the editor must be signed with the writer’s name and street address and sent via email to news@lincolnsquirrel.com. Letters must be about a Lincoln-specific topic, will be edited for punctuation, spelling, style, etc., and will be published at the discretion of the editor. Letters containing personal attacks, errors of fact or other inappropriate material will not be published.