Lightning stripped the bark off an oak tree close to Weston Road (top photos and bottom right). Bottom left: Earlier this year, across the street from the oak, a pine tree crashed across a driveway, but an anonymous neighbor stepped in to cut it up (click to enlarge). Photos/Alice Waugh
By Alice Waugh
Several trees along a stretch of Weston Road having been taking their lumps.
Earlier this year, a huge pine tree snapped and fell across the driveway at 60 Weston Rd. Shortly afterwards, however, much to the pleasant surprise of homeowner Sarah Cannon Holden, an unidentified person cut up the tree to allow cars through. Holden later found out it was the son of a neighbor after she posted a red sign on the stump saying “Thank You! Who?” Then a poplar in the side yard of an adjoining property was hit by lightning and had to be cut down.
In a severe thunderstorm in early July, lightning hit an oak across the street from the same property (the owner asked that her name not be used), blasting two long vertical strips of bark off opposite sides of the trunk.
“It’s weird—I don’t know if the lightning went up one side and down the other, or what,” said the resident, who heard the boom when poplar tree got hit but not the oak. “I don’t know what’s going on… we must be doing something,” she joked.