Editor’s note: Vincent Cannistraro, the author of this letter, is running against incumbent Peter Braun for a seat on the Lincoln Board of Selectmen.
To the Editor:
I have respectfully read the recent letters to the editor in support of Peter Braun for selectman. It appears as if several of his supporters have known Peter for years as both a neighbor and a friend, and/or are serving with Peter on various town committees. As admirable as these letters of support are, I am concerned that sometimes politically based relationships, or even the enduring bonds of friendship, can blind us all to the realities of truth:
To me, the extent of tree removal associated with the Route 2 project constitutes the single biggest conservation tragedy that Lincoln has seen in over 50 years. Those trees meant as much to that neighborhood as Flint’s Fields and Wheeler Farm mean to so many of us in town. What’s more heart-wrenching is that it wasn’t supposed to be this way. Many concerned and thoughtful people worked tirelessly in the preceding decades of the Route 2 project to establish protocol and construction contract requirements for selective removal of mature trees within the construction zone. Sadly, this procedure was not followed, and town oversight was sorely lacking when it was needed most. For those readers who may be unaware, Peter Braun has served as the selectman representative for this project.
Although I am a professional with over 25 years of large-scale construction-related experience, I believe that many non-construction folks would have known enough to go to the site on Day 1 and review such matters with the crews before one branch got touched.
As a Lincoln resident for the past 13 years, I have developed great respect for all volunteers, and a deep love for my Lincoln friends. But, regrettably, there are times when even the best of friends don’t make the best selectmen.
Vin Cannistraro
15 Deer Run Rd.
Letters to the editor must be signed with the writer’s name and street address and sent via email to lincolnsquirrelnews@gmail.com. Letters must be about a Lincoln-specific topic. They may be edited for length, grammar/punctuation, etc., and will be published at the discretion of the editor.